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Previous publications are available in the webarchiving section of our website

ISSN: 2038-0623

In this section you can download the PDF version of our previous and current research projects' papers.
A complete list of projects carried out by the Centro Studi sul Federalismo's researchers and their professional profiles are available in the sections Researchers

Previous publications are available in the webarchiving section of our website

 The institutional architecture of the European Union (EU) and the different decision-making procedures regulating European policies pose several questions on the existence of a government for the Union and the nature of such government. In recent years, following important changes in the European institutional structure and balances, the topic has arisen repeatedly in the political and academic debate.

This joint project led by Centro Studi sul Federalismo (CSF) and Istituto Affari Internazionali intends to investigate the current structure of the EU system of governance/government in its different policy areas and related topics: (1) Supranationalism and intergovernamentalism; (2) Representation and Democracy; (3) The challenges of differentiated integration; (4) Economic governance; (5) Europe in the World.

The project will also tackle the future developments of the European mechanism of governance, putting forward a series of policy and institutional recommendations for the medium and long term, aimed primarily at improving the democratic nature and the effectiveness of the European decision-making processes.

The contributions of leading national and international experts will be published in a CSF/IAI paper series and available on the institutes’ websites. One seminar in Rome and one international conference in Brussels will be held in 2016 to present the results of the project.

logo csf dirpolis

It is a collaboration between the Istituto Dirpolis of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa and the Centre for Studies on Federalism of Turin, this research project dedicated to the issues of federalism and Global Governance, coordinated by Federico Fabbrini, Serena Giusti and Giuseppe Martinico.
The program includes both interactive activities (conferences, seminars, debates) and research, which are included in the new CSF-SSSUP Working Paper Series.


The Policy Papers of the Centro Studi sul Federalismo offer a series of documents based on in-progress researches and aiming at informing and involving both scholars and a wider audience, spreading data, ideas and proposals, and stimulating the cultural and scientific debate, as well as the political, social and economic reflection and confrontation.In brief, the Discussion Papers present research papers still under elaboration, with the aim of elaborating more structured and complete documents (research papers), available on the institutional website of the Centre for Studies on Federalism.

Previous publications are available in the webarchiving section of our website

Previous publications are available in the webarchiving section of our website

Previous publications are available in the webarchiving section of our website

Centro Studi Federalismo

© 2001 - 2024 - Centro Studi sul Federalismo - Codice Fiscale 94067130016

Fondazione Compagnia San Paolo
The activities of the Centro Studi sul Federalismo are accomplished
thanks to the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Our thanks to Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto