Space and Defence: a Hybridisation of EU Space Policy and CSDP

Alberto Miglio, Lorenzo Grossio, Alice Civitella, Cecilia Nota, Margherita Penna / December 2024

The European Union (EU) has developed its Space Policy and a comprehensive Space Programme geared towards pursuing distinctively civilian objectives. However, recent EU practice increasingly intertwines the use of space with objectives relating to security and defence. As the paper shows, this results in a dual dynamic. On the one hand, the Common Security and Defence Policy is increasingly concerned with the space domain, makes use of EU space assets originally developed for civilian purposes and extends its operational tools to the protection of space assets from threats. On the other hand, security and defence objectives are explicitly incorporated into the EU Space Policy, challenging the traditional civilian-centric narrative. This dynamic not only makes it harder to trace a clear line of demarcation between two policy areas characterised by different institutional contexts and procedures, but also establishes a unique approach to articulating the relationship between the CSDP and other EU policies.

Keywords: EU Space Policy, CSDP, EU Space Programme, EU SatCen

Alberto Miglio is Associate Professor of European Union Law, University of Torino
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Lorenzo Grossio is Post-doctoral Researcher in European Union Law, University of Torino
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Alice Civitella is PhD Student in Strategic and Legal Sciences of Innovation for Defence and Security, University of Torino and Centre for Higher Defence Studies
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Cecilia Nota is PhD Student in Strategic and Legal Sciences of Innovation for Defence and Security, University of Torino and Centre for Higher Defence Studies
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Margherita Penna is PhD Student in Defence and Security Studies, University of Torino and Centre for Higher Defence Studies
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The authors are grateful to Maria Elena De Maestri, Panos Koutrakos, Maria Vittoria Massarin, Miguel Nkegbe and Giulia Pavesi for their comments on earlier drafts. The usual disclaimer applies.

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