Author: Andrea Cofelice
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2019
About the book
This volume offers an original and theoretically grounded conceptualization and measurement of international parliamentary institutions and their role in ensuring the accountability of regional international organizations. Through a comparative analysis of the establishment, evolution, institutional organization, oversight and policymaking functions of 22 parliamentary institutions, mainly from European, African and Latin American regional international organizations, the book serves a twofold purpose. First, it allows assessment of the extent to which parliamentary institutions have (measurable) influence on the outcome of regional organizations’ decision-making processes. Second, drawing on the literature on new institutionalism and comparative regionalism, the volume investigates the conditions under which the influence of parliamentary institutions is expected to grow, thus advancing the understanding of the variation and development of this poorly explored type of international institution. The book is aimed at scholars of global governance, international organization and comparative regionalism, and will also be of interest to parliamentarians and parliamentary practitioners from national and international institutions.
About the Author
Andrea Cofelice (PhD, University of Siena, Italy, 2015) is a research fellow at the Centre for Studies on Federalism in Turin, Italy. He is a member of the research team on ‘International Democracy Watch’ and an editor of the Italian Yearbook of Human Rights (Peter Lang, 2011-). He has published in several edited books on comparative regionalism and parliamentary diplomacy, and in journals including Italian Political Science Review, European Foreign Affairs Review, Mediterranean Quarterly, and The Hague Journal of Diplomacy.