Olimpia Fontana - Luca Gasbarro
Aprile 2019
The economic and monetary union is far from completed. The introduction of a stabilization function in case of an asymmetric shock and its financing have been widely debated. At the same time, the creation of additional new own resources to strengthen the scope of the European Union (EU) budget has also been discussed. This paper tries to single out possible candidates for new European own resources that respond to the principle of value added, apply to sectors where negative externalities arise and are politically feasible, given the obstacle of the unanimity mode of decision in the Council. The resources collected could be devoted to promote policies at EU level in the fields of prosperity (investment and employment) as well as European public goods like borders control, migration management and common defence.
Keywords: capacità fiscale, beni pubblici europei, risorse proprie
Olimpia Fontana è ricercatrice al Centro Studi sul Federalismo
Luca Gasbarro è Dottore commercialista Associato Studio Legale e Tributario Fantozzi & Associati